Women choose breast enlargement surgery to enhance their figures by creating breast sizes that are better suited to their bodies. While past trends show that women have focused on achieving the largest cup size possible, more recent trends suggest that a proportionate, feminine figure is the primary goal among today’s patients.
Breast augmentation trends can remain in place for several years or drastically change from one year to the next. While most years see little change to individual trends, looking back over the past several decades provides a clearer picture of where the trends in breast augmentation have taken us–and where they may go next.
Changing Practice Patterns
Reviewing the past years of breast augmentation provides an understanding of what patients desired to accomplish with cosmetic surgery. For many years, the popular trend was to create as much volume as the surgeon would allow. Now, this trend has faded, and there has even been an increase in patients who seek breast reduction surgery. This fact solidifies the current theme of patients pursuing the best implant size for their frame and lifestyle.
There have also been improvements to the safety and efficiency of these procedures. These changes have strengthened patient interest in breast augmentation. Patients also have a say in where their incision will be, the placement of the implants, and what type of implants, making this procedure customizable and adaptable to the patient’s needs. Let’s explore the popular trends in these areas.
Inframammary Fold Incision
The inframammary fold incision is one of three incision options surgeons can use during breast augmentation. The surgeon will make the inframammary fold incisions where the breast and chest meet. This cut is hidden by the natural crease of the chest, resulting in minimal scarring. The incision also provides a good view of the surgical area. It allows the surgeon the best access to place the implants in the patient’s chest. For these reasons, the inframammary fold incision has gained significant popularity in the past two decades.
Submuscular Implant Placement
The two methods of placement are subglandular and submuscular. Subglandular involves the surgeon placing the breast implants below the glands of the breast tissue but over the pectoralis major muscles. The submuscular method is implant placement under the pectoral muscles. Surgeons position implants under the chest muscles to produce a more natural appearance. When implants are below the muscles, patients are less likely to develop capsular contraction, which is the formation of scar tissue around the implants that can contract and squeeze them. The submuscular placement also allows for more accurate mammograms, making this a more appealing option to some patients.
Textured Implants
The use of textured implants increased a decade ago before dropping off significantly. This decrease in patient choice coincides with the FDA releasing a warning stating that some patients with textured implants had developed a rare form of cancer known as BIA-ALCL. This disease affects only patients with textured breast implants. Due to this concern, the majority of patients are choosing smooth implants for breast augmentation.
Breast enlargement trends for 2024 show patients are less focused on increasing cup size and are more concerned with creating a figure well-suited to their body. Women continue to choose a breast implant size that looks natural and aligns with their lifestyle. Changing practice patterns have set the tone for 2024 implant trends, including the rising popularity of the inframammary fold incision, submuscular implant placement, and smooth versus textured implants.
The medical team at Seattle Plastic Surgery can help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (206) 324-1120 to schedule a consultation today.

Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.