Facial cosmeticd surgery should first go through a sort of â??lifestyle makeover,â?? modifying their habits until they have reached a state of satisfactory health.
Smoking not only increases the likelihood of complications due to poor healing, it typically works against the goals of cosmetic surgery as well. It’s bad for your skin and in the lips it can contribute to the formation of fine wrinkles. If you’re getting lip enhancement with a wrinkle filler, that’s bad news. As San Francisco plastic surgeon Sirish Maddali explains “smoking causes lip lines and will certainly decrease the amount of time Juvederm will last in the lips.”
At Seattle Plastic Surgery, we want our patients to have the best surgical experience and outcome possible, so we ask them to focus on being healthy first. The ideal patient refrains from smoking or using illegal drugs, has a stable weight, and realistic expectations about cosmetic surgery.
For more specific information on health and surgery outcomes, contact us for a consultation.
Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.