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BreastBreast Augmentation

Saline Implants Seattle: How To Avoid Saline Breast Implant Rippling

By September 29, 2020 No Comments

ineRippling, while not a dangerous complication of breast implants, can affect the look of the breasts and cause distress in breast augmentation patients. Patients often wonder the best ways to avoid saline breast implant rippling. Luckily, plastic surgeons have found many ways to minimize instances of rippling with saline breast implants. 

Firstly, placing breast implants under the muscle significantly lowers the chances of rippling because more tissue and muscle covers the breast implant. In general, submuscular placement is associated with lower complication rates. 

Secondly, identifying ideal candidates for Seattle saline breast implants can help avoid saline breast implant rippling. Petite women or those with little breast tissue have a higher likelihood of rippling with saline implants versus silicone implants. However, women who already have a good amount of breast tissue are often good candidates for saline breast implants in Seattle. 

Finally, if rippling does occur, there are many options to correct or disguise it. A fat transfer procedure can work for some patients to fill in the area where the rippling is visible. In some extreme cases, breast implants can be replaced. However, since rippling normally does not cause pain or any health concerns, a fat transfer can be a viable method to hide rippling.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.