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Rhinoplasty Case 14

This wonderful patient was unhappy with the hump on her nose and came to Dr. Santos. Along with her cosmetic concerns, the patient also had a deviated septum and desired a septoplasty. Dr. Santos determined she was a good candidate and performed a rhinoplasty and septoplasty. Following surgery, the patient is thrilled with the appearance of her nose and finds that her breathing has improved after the correction of the deviated septum.

An After photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
A After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
A Before Photo Of A Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos In Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma