It’s no secret that Botox can do a lot for your aesthetic appearance. After all, Botox has held a top position as a cosmetic injectable since its FDA approval in the early 2000s. But did you know Botox can do more than produce the benefit of younger-looking skin? Botox sessions can even help treat medical conditions, including bruxism (teeth grinding).

Fortunately, the providers at Seattle Plastic Surgery can not only use Botox to minimize signs of aging, but they can also put this neuromodulator to medical use when necessary. Our injectors have the training, knowledge of facial anatomy, and experience to help you get relief from the painful symptoms of bruxism.

Understanding Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

If you’ve ever had a moment where you suddenly become aware of how tightly you’re holding your jaw, or you’ve started to notice pain in your teeth, jaw, or even headaches (especially in the morning), you may be grinding or clenching your teeth. This subconscious, continuous tension in your jaw muscles (masseters) can cause pain in different parts of your head and jaw, leading to difficult or painful chewing and issues sleeping well.

Different things can trigger teeth grinding. You might clench your jaw because of an emotional response like stress, anger, anxiety, tension, etc. Sleep disorders and conditions like ADHD may also contribute to teeth grinding.

Whatever the cause of tension in your masseters, Botox for bruxism may help. As a neuromodulator, Botox prevents muscle movement by temporarily limiting neurological signals that cause the muscles to contract. Without these signals, your muscles can remain relaxed and get adequate rest to help relieve any pain or discomfort from bruxism.

Are You A Candidate For Botox For Bruxism In Seattle? 

While there are a few conditions that may affect your eligibility for Botox injections, many people can safely choose Botox for treatments of conditions like bruxism. You may be a good candidate for Botox injections if you meet some of the following requirements:

  • You don’t have a neuromuscular condition
  • You are involuntarily clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth
  • You have pain in your jaw from grinding your teeth
  • Your overall health condition is relatively good
  • You wake up with headaches due to clenching your jaw at night
  • You have tooth pain or dental problems from grinding your teeth
  • You have a TMJ disorder
  • You aren’t pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have overdeveloped masseter muscles from constant tension
  • You’ve tried mouthguards and other treatments with no success

The Benefits Of Botox For Teeth Grinding

After trying other tactics to treat your teeth grinding, you may be considering Botox for bruxism. While other treatments may help prevent pain and damage to your teeth, they don’t offer the same benefits Botox does. The many benefits of Botox for bruxism include:

  • Better sleep habits due to less teeth grinding at night
  • Less chance of developing dental problems from chronic bruxism
  • Less pain in your jaw
  • Short treatment session
  • Little recovery and no downtime
  • Slimmer jawline
  • Improvement in the number of headaches caused by bruxism
  • Quick results, usually within two to four weeks
  • Non-surgical treatment option
  • Safe and effective injections

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    Why Choose Seattle Plastic Surgery For Your Botox For Bruxism Treatment?

    Bruxism can be a very uncomfortable and painful condition. It’s only natural that you should want to find a non-surgical treatment to prevent jaw clenching and reduce your pain levels. Once you’ve decided to get Botox injections, the only thing left to do is find a trustworthy injector.

    You won’t have to look very far for high-quality Botox for bruxism treatment in the Seattle area. The providers at Seattle Plastic Surgery are certified in Botox, have an excellent knowledge of facial anatomy, and are skilled injectors with extensive training and hands-on experience. All of this knowledge and experience combine to help you get relief from the effects of overactive masseters and jaw pain.

    Botox For Bruxism Treatment Session In Seattle

    Your journey to relief from bruxism symptoms starts at a consultation appointment with a provider at Seattle Plastic Surgery. Once your provider reviews your medical history and listens to your bruxism-related symptoms, they will see if you qualify for Botox injections. If you do, you can move forward with the injection process.

    At the injection appointment, your injector will clean the treatment area before applying an anesthetic. Though Botox injections aren’t typically painful, the precaution of a topical anesthetic will help reduce any discomfort you may experience during your session. Next, your injector will use tiny needles to allow precise injection of Botox into the masseter muscles.

    It may take a couple of weeks to notice a less tense jaw and really see the effects of Botox for bruxism injections; however, it should only be about a month before you start enjoying all the benefits of your treatment session.

    How Often Will You Need Botox Injections For Teeth Grinding?

    Over time, your brain and body can get used to holding tension in your jaw muscles. While your initial Botox session will start to loosen your masseter muscles and relieve your pain, these will only be temporary results. To help your masseter muscles stay in a relaxed state, you’ll need to have several follow-up injection sessions. Additional treatments will encourage your brain to limit subconscious muscle contractions and allow the muscles to rest, easing pain and discomfort.

    To see long-term improvement in your bruxism symptoms, you will likely need Botox treatments every three to six months. How quickly your injections wear off depends on how active your lifestyle is, if you have a fast or slow metabolic rate, and how dense your masseter muscles are.

    The Best Botox For Bruxism Treatment At Seattle Plastic Surgery 

    You don’t have to continue to suffer from the effects of teeth grinding. Botox injections offer a safe and effective treatment to help relax your masseter muscles, which may help ease tension in your jaw. This may lead to better sleep, fewer tension headaches, and reduced pain in your teeth and jaw.

    Now that you know what Botox for bruxism can do to improve your symptoms, all you need to do is schedule a consultation with one of the providers at Seattle Plastic Surgery. Get relief from overactive masseter muscles with a Botox injection session in our Seattle clinic. Call us today at (206) 324-1120 or book your appointment online!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does Botox Really Work For Bruxism?

    Yes! Botox is an effective treatment for bruxism (teeth grinding). These injections target the masseter muscles and help them relax. Without the constant tension, the masseter muscles won’t continually contract and cause you to clench your jaw involuntarily. You may also see an improvement in your sleep if you no longer grind your teeth at night. This treatment may prevent future dental problems caused by chronic, untreated bruxism. Many patients see a significant improvement in teeth grinding after Botox for bruxism injections. 

    How Long Does Botox For Bruxism Last? 

    Generally speaking, injections of Botox for teeth grinding may last between three to six months. Some factors that affect the longevity of your results include how quickly your body metabolizes the medicine, how active your lifestyle is, and the density of your muscles. After your initial appointment, keep track of how long your results last; then, make a note of the duration so you can schedule your future sessions accordingly.

    Will Insurance Cover Botox For Jaw Clenching? 

    Cosmetic treatments are considered elective, meaning insurance won’t cover them. However, if the treatment is medically necessary to improve a health condition, such as teeth grinding, insurance may cover it. Check with your insurance company before your treatment to see if they offer coverage for Botox for bruxism. Seattle Plastic Surgery can provide you with the necessary forms to submit to your insurance company if needed.

    Does Botox For Bruxism Change Face Shape? 

    While the primary goal of Botox for bruxism isn’t to change the shape of your face, it can have an impact on your facial profile. When you continuously clench your teeth, your jaw muscles (masseters) may become overdeveloped, leading to a broad, more defined jaw. After Botox sessions, your masseter muscles may relax, causing them to shrink a bit. This can produce a slimmer facial structure and give you a more aesthetic jawline. 

    Does Masseter Botox Cause Sagging?

    Botox injections cause your muscles to relax; however, there is the risk of too much Botox causing your masseter muscles to sag. The best way to avoid sagging jaw muscles after Botox injections is to choose a qualified injector at Seattle Plastic Surgery. Our providers will take the time to assess your skin condition before injecting Botox. This allows them to determine if your skin will require more or less Botox. If your skin has less elasticity, your injector will start with fewer Botox units to prevent sagging masseter muscles.


    Give us a call at 206-324-1120 or chat by clicking the icon in the lower left hand corner of your screen. Additionally, you can Contact Us by filling out the form above.