Procedure Time: 2 Hrs
Recovery Time: 3-5 Days
What Is Breast Lift Surgery?
A breast lift is a cosmetic procedure that lifts and repositions the nipple and breast tissue. This can include removing extra skin. Typically, the goals of a breast lift are to restore symmetry and a youthful contour to the breasts.
One of the most common conditions that a breast lift treats is breast ptosis. Breast ptosis is where the breast begins to sag and the nipple may even point downward. This can be caused by a variety of things including: age, breastfeeding, menopause, weight loss, among others. A breast lift can help correct this and give your breasts the lift they once had.
The procedure can address a variety of issues or concerns with the breasts including:
- Nipple or breast drooping
- Sagging
- Asymmetric areolas
- Excess skin
- Breast ptosis
Many patients choose to address other aspects of their breasts, such as, size or shape, by combining their Seattle breast lift procedure with a breast augmentation. For many patients, this yields the optimal results if they want to address more than just breast sagging. Your Seattle plastic surgeon can usually perform these operations at the same time.
Why Do People Choose Breast Lifts In Seattle & Tacoma?
Pregnancy, nursing, weight fluctuation, and the natural effects of gravity can all take a toll on a woman’s breasts. As time progresses, skin begins to lose its youthful elasticity, causing the breasts to lose their shape and firmness. With a breast lift (mastopexy), women can restore a youthful shape and position of their breasts.
Among the most common reasons for seeking a breast lift in Tacoma include:
- Breast sagging or drooping
- Loss of breast mass or tissue after breastfeeding
- Breast or nipple asymmetry
- Lift breasts following en bloc breast implant removal
- Weight loss
- Drooping of areolas
- Restore a more youthful appearance to the breasts
Choosing a plastic surgeon to perform your lift is a difficult and important decisions. Finding a board-certified surgeon who understands your motivations and expectations can take time. At Seattle Plastic Surgery, we will listen to your goals and concerns and create a customized breast lift surgery plan that addresses all of your needs and concerns.
Your Surgery
A breast lift usually takes approximately two hours to complete. Your cosmetic surgeon will place you under general anesthesia so that you are able to sleep through the entire procedure. He will begin your procedure by making an incision down from the nipple and along the crease of your breast in an anchor-like shape. From there, excess skin is trimmed away and your breasts are elevated to a more youthful position. The nipple may be raised to match the new placement of the breasts. Women who are also looking to regain volume in their breasts can choose to have breast implants supplemented with their breast lift for improved results.
Types of Breast Lift Procedures:
Above represents the most commonly performed surgical technique for a breast lift procedure–a standard lift. During this procedure, a moderate amount of skin and tissue is removed and the nipple may or may not be repositioned. For some patients, a less invasive incision or technique may be sufficient in providing a flattering lift to the breast. Other types of breast lift include:
Doughnut: In this technique, your cosmetic surgeon will focus their incisions only around the nipple and areola. While this procedure is less invasive and usually comes with minimal scarring, because the incisions are smaller, it limits the amount of lift you can see. For patients who need only a slight lift, this may be a viable technique for their Tacoma breast lift.
Lollipop: This involves a similar incision to a standard lift, but instead of following the breast creases, it simply stops at the crease. This can provide a moderate amount of lift with a reduced risk of scarring and an overall less invasive procedure. This is the happy medium between a standard lift procedure and a doughnut technique.
During your consultation, when your plastic surgeon can get a better idea of your goals and the look of your breasts, they can help you decide which surgical technique will best suit your body and the results you want to see.

Many People Choose to Undergo Multiple Procedures At The Same, Reducing Overall Downtime & Maximizing Their Transformations
Recovering From Your Surgery
After surgery, your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with an elastic bandage to wear over your gauze dressings. In the beginning, you may experience slight swelling and bruising, but this will subside during the next few days. Within a day or two, the bandages or surgical bra will be replaced by a soft support bra. This should be worn all day for six weeks to ensure proper healing of your new breasts. As your breasts continue to heal, scars will fade over time and you will be able to see the full results of your breast lift.
Every procedure is slightly different, therefore, so is every recovery. Your cosmetic surgeon will give you full instructions for your recovery before and after surgery that are customized to you and your breast lift in Tacoma.
How Can I Help My Recovery?
The best way to help along your Tacoma breast lift recovery is to follow all of your plastic surgeon’s directions. Usually, this includes at least 3 to 5 days of downtime and halting all exercise and strenuous activities for about two weeks, but these recovery times do vary from patient to patient.
Your cosmetic surgeon will advise you to use our proprietary scar treatment that prevents visible scarring and infection. They may also prescribe pain medication or antibiotics.
Attending all of your post-surgery appointments will allow your plastic surgeon to monitor your progress. This will often allow you to get clearances to work quickly and can prevent major complications.
Premier Breast Lift Surgeons In Seattle & Tacoma
In a consultation at Seattle Plastic Surgery, our board-certified breast surgeon will inquire about your reasons for seeking a breast lift, medical history, and goals for the procedure. They will then conduct a physical examination to get a better idea of your specific needs and determine if you are a good candidate for a Seattle breast lift surgery. If so, they will then explain the different breast lift options, and may recommend other complimentary procedures. Before you leave, you will fully understand the surgical plan for your breast lift.
Our surgeons are board-certified and specialize in Seattle breast surgeries. Operating out of a state-certified facility, we ensure your comfort and safety throughout the entire process. Choosing your Seattle breast surgeon is not easy and takes time and research. This is why at Seattle Plastic Surgery, we keep you informed and educated from beginning to end.
You will never feel pressured at our office to commit to surgery. If you choose to undergo your breast lift with us, we will work with you to create a plan that works towards your cosmetic goals, is medically viable, and will leave you with the best possible results.
If you’re traveling from out of town, we offer concierge services to help you find local transportation, lodging, and caretaker services. We want to make your breast lift surgery as easy and comfortable as possible. After your initial consultation (whether virtual or in-person), your cosmetic surgeon can provide a better timeline for your surgery and recovery.
Still Have Questions?
Give us a call at 206-324-1120. Or, Chat by clicking the icon in the lower left hand corner of your screen additionally you can contact us by filling out the form above.