When it comes to facial rejuvenation, botox has been at the top of the list. People around the globe trust the process of botox as it gives the desired results faster with almost zero recovery time. Nowadays, another procedure, daxxify, is taking the limelight due to its long-lasting results. Those looking for fresh and wrinkle-free skin are opting for Daxxify for its quick and long lifespan. Let’s find out how to choose the best treatment for you in this blog.
How do Botox and Daxxify work?
Both treatments work to give the wrinkle-free face by injecting botulinum toxin type A to temporarily paralyze the facial muscle. As the muscles are not able to move, the formation of wrinkles due to various facial expressions is reduced. Both botox and daxxify use the same method, but the technique differs. Let’s learn more about them to make an informed decision.
Which Is The Best Choice For You: Botox vs. Daxxify
Choosing one treatment can be difficult, as both procedures have effective results to eradicate wrinkles from the face. However, there are a few differences that can be a deciding factor:
1. Duration of Results
The results in botox and daxxify vary, as botox stays for 3 to 4 months and daxxify can give results lasting for 6 months. The lifespan of daxxify is higher, which makes it a popular choice of many over botox. However, it is important to note that the duration of results also depends on some factors like age, after-procedure care, and injection site.
2. Touch Up Appointment
As the duration of results varies, so does the touch-up appointment. Botox fades away faster within 4 months, so a touchup is required every 3 to 4 months. whereas Daxxify stays for longer, so you can go for touch-ups once a year.
3. Formulation
The key difference between both treatments lies in the formulation, as botox uses traditional carrier protein to inject botulinum toxin and daxxify uses peptide carrier to inject the same, contributing to the longer results.
4. Safety
Botox has been in the market for years and became a household name in the world of cosmetic procedures, whereas Daxxify is a new player in the market. Although both the treatments are FDA-approved, the trust in botox is unmatched due to its proven records.
5. Side Effects
Both botox and daxxify have almost the same side effects, such as redness, swelling, and burning on the injection site. As daxxify is a new method, the data related to side effects is fewer, making it a bit unknown to many who lack trust factor.
Which Is The Best Choice?
Once you know the difference, you can make choices according to your aesthetic goals. If you do not have any issue with frequent touch-ups, then you can go with Botox. On the other hand, if you want a longer result with fewer touch-up appointments, Daxxify is the right solution for you. Many people still choose botox over daxxify due to the trust factor, as daxxify is a new method with less data available about the side effects.
Final Thought
Botox and Daxxify both treatments are effective in giving a wrinkle-free face. The key difference lies in the formulation, where botox uses traditional protein to inject botulinum toxin and daxxify uses a peptide carrier. This could be a reason to get a longer result in Daxxify. As daxxify is a new method, it needs some time to gain the trust of botox, but people who want fewer touch-ups and can explore a new, improved method are welcoming daxxify with open arms.

Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.