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Chin Augmentation - Dr. Santos

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Have you noticed any changes in your weight recently? Weight gain is evident directly on the face due to the appearance of a double chin. It is a sign of increased fat on the face and thus requires immediate attention to maintain a healthy weight, which shows your jawline. In this article, we will delve into the solutions to get rid of double chin. Let’s dive in.

What is a Double Chin?

The presence of extra fat between the chin and the neck is called a double chin. As the name suggests, it makes the chin look bigger than the usual size. It makes the appearance of a person elderly and hinders their facial aesthetics. This additional fat hides your jawline, making the facial structure larger.  

Everyone wants to get rid of it, but it takes some strenuous effort, from exercises to, in a few cases, surgeries. Let’s learn more about it.  

Causes of Double Chin

Double chins are caused by uncontrolled fat deposits. With the increase in overall weight, you experience this chubbiness around the face. This is not a medical condition to worry about, but it does affect mental health and confidence at a deeper level. 

The other cause of double chin, which needs medical intervention, could be:

  • Health issues like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity 
  • Genetics of the family 

Methods to Get Rid of Double Chin

To target a double chin, you can use the following methods:  

  1. Non-Surgical Methods: For people with overweight issues, double chins can be difficult to shed. Non-surgical methods can be helpful for overall health, but they require consistent and determined efforts every day. 
  • Exercise: Daily workouts have shown changes in weight and thus support reducing fat from the chin.
  • Healthy Diet: When you back up the exercises with a healthy diet, you can imagine yourself with a jawline. It requires some extra effort, which is sometimes a challenge to follow on a daily basis. 
  1. Double Chin Surgical Methods: When any of your efforts are not yielding results, you can opt for some surgical methods, such as: 
  • Liposuction: The most common method to remove fat is liposuction, in which a surgeon inserts a small tube via an incision to take out the extra fat. For the neck area, the surgeon will contour the chin and neck to give shape to the jawline.
  • Face-lift: Generally, in a face lift, the doctor will remove the extra skin and fat around the neck and chin area.
  • Neck-lift: In a neck-lift procedure, you can remove the extra skin and fat from the chin and neck area. Also, a different form of neck lift focuses on tightening the neck muscle.  

All the surgical methods promote facial aesthetics but require a recovery time of around a month. You can notice swelling and redness initially, which will fade away with time.

Bottom Line

A double chin is not a medical problem but can be a sign of weight gain or obesity. With the right method, you can chuck out the extra fat from your face to get a perfect jawline. Surgical methods are there to support you if shedding pounds is taking a long time. Always remember to consult a surgeon before opting for any surgical procedure.