Breast Lift


Procedure Time: 2 Hrs

Recovery Time: 3-5 Days

Perky, lifted breasts are a common desire among women. With age, pregnancy, weight loss, and many other factors, the breasts change their shape and position. Some of these changes can happen rapidly, especially during and after pregnancy, while others may take several years. Various cosmetic breast procedures such as breast augmentation and breast lifts can help address these changes and provide a longer-lasting youthful breast appearance. A lesser-known option that can help support both natural breast tissues and breast implants is an internal bra lift. Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the best breast lift with internal bra in Seattle.

What is an internal bra lift?

An internal bra lift involves placing medical-grade mesh into the breast to provide added support. The internal bra results are meant to mimic the look of a push-up bra. Not all patients will benefit from this technique, but it is especially useful in a few specific situations.

  • Added support for weakened or damaged breast tissue
  • Breast sagging after previous corrective surgery and/or breast augmentation
  • Correct malpositioned breast implants
  • May be preferred in extreme cases of breast sagging
  • Can help hide breast implant rippling
  • Helpful for certain reconstructive procedures

It is important to know that the body will eventually integrate with and break down the mesh. However, it replaces it with collagen and other connective proteins to help provide long-lasting support for the breasts.

Advantages of Breast Lift With Internal Bra

Internal bra surgery—whether an internal bra breast augmentation or breast lift—has many advantages and benefits when performed on the right patient. Some of the benefits include:

  • Lifted, better-supported breasts
  • Correct breast sagging
  • Improved breast implant symmetry/position
  • Correct and slow breast aging
  • Moves the nipple up without a nipple graft (unless combined with a traditional breast lift)
  • Enhance overall aesthetic results of breast surgery
  • May help minimize scarring
  • Long-lasting results
  • Can help prevent certain complications like capsular contracture and implant malposition
  • Safe and effective
  • Mesh does not remain in the body forever
  • Easily combined with other breast surgeries

Internal bra results are unique and patients may have personal advantages and benefits associated with their surgery. A consultation allows a patient to understand the nuances of their specific surgery or combination of procedures. Dr. Jonov helps patients understand the right procedures and techniques to achieve their goals based on their existing anatomy, medical history, lifestyle, and what they want to achieve.

Internal Bra Surgery Technique 

The surgical technique used to place the mesh internal bra will depend on if and what other procedures are being performed alongside it. For example, an internal bra breast augmentation will usually place the mesh through the same incision as the breast implants. During an internal bra breast lift, Dr. Jonov will also utilize the breast lift incisions. Based on the specifics of their surgery, Dr. Jonov may separate layers of tissue or muscle to ideally place the mesh.

If only placing the mesh, Dr. Jonov can utilize a much smaller incision, usually within the inframammary fold, but other incisions may be viable. The mesh is meant to integrate with and ultimately be taken over by your natural tissues. Therefore, it is usually placed adjacent to fatty tissues.

Who should choose a breast lift with an internal bra?

The internal bra surgery is ideal for patients who are experiencing minor breast sagging, at high risk for certain breast augmentation complications, and those who simply need more support for their breasts on an everyday basis. It is important to know that while the internal bra provides ongoing support for the breasts gravity, age, and genetics will continue to affect the breasts over time.

The best candidates for an internal bra surgery include:

  • Women with minor breast sagging
  • Patients who may need extra support for breast implants
  • Those who experience “bottoming out” or malposition of breast implants
  • Women at higher risk of breast augmentation complications
  • Patients who need only a slight lift of the nipples
  • Transgender patients who may require additional breast or implant support

The internal bra is made of poly-4-hydroxybutyrate which is a material similar to plastic that is derived from bacteria. This material is also used in other surgical materials such as absorbable sutures. The careful engineering of the mesh makes it initially compatible with the body but also ensures that the body will break it down slowly and leave behind natural support tissues. Over time, the body’s tissues will integrate, overtake, and absorb the internal bra. This process helps provide long-lasting support for the breasts.

In the internal bra’s place, scar tissue is left behind to act as support for the breasts. This tissue is inside the breast and thus not visible externally. In contrast to a traditional breast lift that uses a skin envelope to support the breasts, the internal bra physically creates support during the healing process.

Internal bra lift side effects?

The side effects of an internal bra breast lift are similar to other cosmetic breast surgeries. However, complications are still possible, and patients should understand that the procedure is not for everyone. Dr. Jonov will evaluate candidacy during a consultation where he will review a patient’s complication risk, medical history, and overall suitability for the surgery.

Certain patients may be at higher risk of side effects or complications. These may include:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Highly visible or raised scarring
  • Allergic reaction
  • Body’s rejection of the mesh
  • Infection

Major complications and side effects are rare with an internal bra surgery procedure. Minor, temporary surgical side effects are expected, but patients can often return to most of their activities and work within two weeks.

How much does a breast lift cost in Seattle?

The exact cost of an internal bra breast lift will depend on several factors including the other procedures performed, the complexity of the procedure, whether one or both breasts are treated, and many other considerations. A traditional breast lift with Dr. Jonov starts at $8,995 without added internal mesh. Patients can view our prices on our Price List and use our Price Simulator tool to add up the cost of all the procedures they are interested in.

Seattle Plastic Surgery works with outside financing companies including Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit to help patients find affordable financing for their procedures.

Are there any procedures that can be combined with internal bra surgery?

Yes, an internal bra surgery procedure is rarely performed in isolation. It is most commonly combined with other breast surgeries such as breast augmentation, breast lift, and, occasionally, breast reduction. An internal bra surgery can also be part of a larger mommy makeover procedure. As a minimally invasive surgery, it is ideal for combining with other procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is An Internal Bra More Expensive Than A Lift? 

It depends. If performed on its own, it will likely be less expensive than a traditional breast lift. However, if added onto a breast lift, then it will likely be an additional cost. The cost of an internal bra surgery is best determined during a consultation appointment.

How Long Does Internal Bra Surgery Last?

The internal bra mesh takes around one year on average to dissolve. While the mesh dissolves, it helps add structure to the tissues and breasts for longer lasting support. This may involve inducing collagen production and integrating it with the breast tissue for ideal results. Internal bra results themselves typically last a few years, but are subject to aging, gravity, and hormonal factors.

Is Internal Bra Fda-Approved?

The mesh used during internal bra surgery is FDA cleared for soft tissue repair and reinforcement. However, the product has not be specifically approved for breast surgery.

How Painful Is An Internal Bra?

Generally, patients can expect comparable discomfort as experienced during any other breast surgery. However, they are unlikely to feel the internal bra itself, but some soreness, swelling, possible bruising, and redness are all normal.

Dr. Jonov may prescribe pain medications to help keep your recovery comfortable. Over-the-counter medications can also help relieve discomfort from side effects. If possible, OTC medications and at-home remedies are preferred.

Aren’t There Problems With Surgical Mesh?

In the past, there have been major complications associated with certain surgical mesh products. However, this is not only an older, outdated form of surgical mesh, but this was for uses outside of the breast and for completely different purposes. The internal bra mesh is updated to biodegrade within the body and use the resulting scar tissue to provide the long term result.