(One Session)
(One Session)
(Package of Three Sessions)
The first IPL, or intense pulsed light, device was approved in 1995 to treat spider veins. Since then, IPL has become one of the most used and versatile medical devices on the market. Used in both medical and aesthetic contexts, IPL devices have been known to treat rosacea, freckles, wrinkles, acne, and vascular lesions. The master estheticians at Seattle Plastic Surgery have years of experience in IPL treatments and provide the best IPL Seattle and Tacoma offer.
Intense pulsed light treatment—also known as a photofacial—treats a variety of conditions and concerns. It is probably best known for treating unwanted redness that can occur due to rosacea and broken capillaries. However, it can also treat nearly any unwanted pigment. Unfortunately, since IPL targets melanated parts of the skin, it is not recommended for skin higher than a III on the Fitzpatrick skin tone scale.
Unlike lasers which emit a specific wavelength of light, an IPL uses what is known as broadband light. This means that it emits all wavelengths and is specifically filtered to address the particular concerns you have. Due to this broader approach, IPL is better at treating large areas such as rosacea on the cheeks. More precise indications such as tattoo removal are usually better treated with a more targeted light energy like lasers.
IPL has a range of benefits that patients may experience. Though, the exact benefits you enjoy will depend on the IPL treatment you undergo. Some of the advantages and benefits of IPL include:
Intense pulsed light treatment does come with some risks like any other medical aesthetic procedure. Generally, the risks are minimal for a patient who is a good candidate. However, even an ideal patient should consider the risks of treatment. The risks of IPL include:
Most of the risks associated with IPL are treatable or preventable. For example, blistering, infection, bruising, swelling, and bleeding are rarely permanent or leave behind noticeable traces. Your master esthetician will take measures to reduce the risk of complications.
Non-surgical laser treatments are among the most popular medical esthetic treatments. Considering the range of conditions lasers can treat and their generally good results, it is understandable that these are popular procedures. With that said, finding the right laser treatment for your concerns depends on several factors.
Your master esthetician can discuss this with you during your consultation. However, let’s take a look at two of the most popular laser treatments and how they differ.
IPL | Fraxel |
Neither of the procedures requires general or local anesthetic, usually favoring numbing creams or other forms of topical numbing. IPL and Fraxel are also performed as in-office procedures by master estheticians. Ablative lasers are performed as surgical procedures by our plastic surgeons, Dr. Jonov and Dr. Santos.
Before a Seattle intense pulsed light treatment, you will meet with one of our master estheticians. At this consultation, they will discuss your concerns and what you hope to treat. They may also ask about your medical history and expectations for treatment. Along with determining if you are a good candidate for IPL, they may also recommend other procedures such as chemical peels or microneedling.
You will receive a personalized price quote as well as a more detailed explanation of the procedure. Sometimes your first session can commence on the same day. Your master esthetician may also recommend performing a patch test. Otherwise, you can schedule your first Seattle IPL treatment.
On the day of treatment, your master esthetician will start by cleaning your face of any makeup or debris. If you opt for numbing cream, they will then apply it following cleansing. It sits for about ten to twenty minutes. Once numb, they will wipe it off and begin treatment.
Applying ultrasound gel, your master esthetician will then place and activate the laser in a test spot, usually on one of the far sides of the face. Then, based on how you feel and the reaction of the skin, they may adjust the settings before continuing with treatment. From there, they will continue to move the laser across your face. Typically, a full face treatment takes about thirty minutes.
Intense pulsed light treatments are popular partially because of their relatively easy aftercare and recovery. Patients can return to work and most of their daily activities and routines immediately. Your master esthetician will provide you with some aftercare instructions such as:
If you have any questions about what skincare products are okay to use after IPL or the particulars of your aftercare routine, your master esthetician can answer your questions at any step of the process.
Yes, IPL is safe for use across the body. While most of the indications for intense pulsed light treatments are on the face, it can treat the neck, legs, arms, and anywhere you may have unwanted pigmentation or aging. You can add neck IPL treatment to any or all of your sessions.
Considering the nature of what IPL treats, after you finish the initial round of sessions, you may need occasional maintenance treatments to maintain results. Unfortunately, no treatment can stop the aging procedures, but regular IPL treatments can slow it. Additionally, freckles tend to come back regardless of the treatment used. The treated spider veins should not reappear, but the body is constantly creating new blood vessels. Thus, you may see spider veins continue to pop up throughout your life.
Therefore, the results of IPL treatment are not necessarily permanent. However, it may be several years until you see a recurrence. It can also make a permanent difference in the severity of some conditions such as rosacea. Though, maintenance sessions are always recommended.
No, intense pulsed laser treatment is not a surgical procedure.
IPL is not for everyone. While extremely versatile, there are limitations. Luckily, the master estheticians at Seattle Plastic Surgery can put together customized treatment plans for patients of all skin types and colors. When it comes to IPL candidates, the patients who are generally not good candidates include:
For those who are not good candidates for IPL, our master estheticians may recommend other procedures such as microneedling, chemical peels, or radiofrequency microneedling. Your master esthetician will discuss this with you during your consultation.
The cost of IPL treatment in Seattle depends on your specific needs and treatment. We offer both single treatments and packages. By default, pricing is for the full face with the option to add on other areas. The starting and basic IPL pricing are as follows:
The master estheticians at Seattle Plastic Surgery treat various conditions including rosacea, acne, and eczema. They also address aging concerns like sun spots, wrinkles, and early forms of skin sagging. IPL treatments are among the most powerful and effective treatments our master estheticians offer. Seattle Plastic Surgery performs the best IPL Seattle and Tacoma provide.
Our master estheticians are highly trained in intense pulsed light and other laser treatments. With the knowledge to both beautify and medically treat the skin, they work under the skill of our plastic surgeons to make long lasting improvements to your skin. Our master estheticians have extensive experience working with patients of all backgrounds and creating treatment plans customized to each patient and their skin.
To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and our contact form.