Each year liposuction lands on the list of most popular cosmetic procedures. It’s no surprise liposuction results in rapid fat loss. But according to a new study, abdominal liposuction may put you at a higher risk for gaining unhealthy fat if you’re sedentary.
The study, published by Brazilian researchers at the University of Sao Paulo, found that women who have undergone abdominal liposuction may actually gain deeper “visceral” fat which surrounds the abdominal organs. Visceral fat is often associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Fat is not “inert tissue,” said study leader Fabiana Benatti of the University of Sao Paulo. “Removing it by surgery may have important consequences, such as the compensatory growth of visceral fat.”
But there’s good news regular exercise can prevent this fat from developing after liposuction.
The study followed 36 normal-weight women who elected liposuction to remove localized stomach fat. Prior to surgery, each of these women prescribed to a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Two months following surgery, half of the women were randomly assigned to an exercise group, while the remaining half resumed their sedentary lifestyle.
Four months later, both groups still exhibited flatter stomachs, but those who remained sedentary were already showing signs of visceral fat gain approximately a 10 percent increase. The exercise group on the other hand, showed no signs of visceral fat gain.
More research is needed to replicate these findings, but that shouldn’t deter you from initiating a healthy diet and exercise routine. This will maintain the long-term benefits of your liposuction procedure.
Liposuction results can dramatically improve the appearance of your abdomen, thighs, hips back and neck. Learn more about liposuction Seattle, WA.
Source: Chicago Tribune

Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.