More cosmetic and plastic surgeries have non-surgical alternatives. For example, some nose jobs can be performed with filler. Deoxycholic acid—known as Kybella—has shown promise as a non-surgical alternative for fat removal surgeries. Gynecomastia—especially the milder forms—often involves fat removal. The use of deoxycholic acid is an innovation that is giving many with gynecomastia the opportunity to address it without major surgery. Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the best non-surgical gynecomastia procedure in Seattle and Tacoma.

Gynecomastia Causes & Symptoms

Gynecomastia can have a variety of causes. Sometimes, it is difficult or impossible to pinpoint an exact cause. Often, multiple factors impact the formation of excess male breast tissue. Possible causes of gynecomastia may include:

  • Certain prescribed medications
  • Medical conditions (thyroid issues, kidney disease, or genetic conditions)
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Illicit drug use
  • Weight gain
  • Age
  • Natural hormone fluctuations
  • Genetics
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking

Male hormones naturally fluctuate throughout life. Firstly, during puberty, where it is common to see young men develop gynecomastia. By adulthood, in most cases, the gynecomastia should resolve. As men age, testosterone decreases which can lead to gynecomastia development. The age this occurs at—or if it occurs at all—varies.

Symptoms of gynecomastia range based on the severity of the condition. A man may see only small bunches of fat beneath or around the nipples causing them to stick out more. Other times, significant breast growth may occur. Patients often observe asymmetry of the chest. While less common, symptoms such as tenderness of the nipples and swelling. Patients may only experience breast enlargement with no other symptoms.

Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Reduction With Kybella

Gynecomastia that did not respond to initial treatment—even mild forms—frequently required surgery to see a resolution of symptoms. Usually, this meant a double incision gynecomastia surgery with significant scarring left behind on the chest. Sometimes, liposuction would suffice, but it still involved surgery, incisions, and recovery.

For male patients with mild breast enlargement, deoxycholic acid—known by the brand name Kybella—can help melt fat behind the nipples and on the chest for a smoother and flatter chest appearance. Involving no incisions, general anesthesia, or major recovery time, the entire procedure consists of injections given over roughly twelve weeks in three separate sessions.

Benefits & Risks

Using deoxycholic acid injections to address gynecomastia comes with benefits and risks patients should discuss with their provider. At a consultation, their Seattle Plastic Surgery provider will gauge a patient’s candidacy based on their individual benefit and risk profiles.

Possible benefits may include:

  • Reduce breast size
  • Melt extra fat beneath and around the nipples
  • Help break up tissue for a smoother appearance
  • Cessation in other gynecomastia symptoms
  • Enhance confidence
  • Little to no scarring
  • Minimal recovery or aftercare
  • Does not require general anesthesia
  • Only topical numbing necessary
  • Few side effects
  • Performed by an experienced deoxycholic acid injector in a clinical environment

Overall, injecting deoxycholic acid as a form of non-surgical gynecomastia treatment is very safe and comes with few risks. However, patients should still understand that all procedures come with some inherent risk. Major complications are exceptionally rare. Possible risks may include:

  • Lack of result
  • Infection
  • Prolonged or severe side effects
  • Indentations
  • Skin irregularities
  • Rash
  • Loose skin

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    Downtime & Aftercare

    Treating gynecomastia with Kybella does require a traditional recovery like surgery does. Patients should take it easy for the rest of the day, but can likely return to work and most activities immediately. Depending on the treatment, patients may recieve aftercare instructions such as:

    • Do not partake in exercise or strenuous activity
    • Limit sweating whenever possible
    • Wear loose clothing
    • Skip showering immediately following the injections
    • Avoid unnecessary touching of the area
    • Limit drinking alcohol and smoking during the healing period

    The patient’s provider will monitor their progress during each injection session. Patients are encouraged to call or schedule additional appointments if they want additional follow-up.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Leave Scars?

    No, because the treatment only involves shallow injections into the fat, scarring is unlikely. While not impossible, most people will not see permanent scarring from an injection such as Kybella unless they have an underlying condition or are prone to scarring. If this is the case, patients should disclose this to their provider so that treatment can commence mindfully.

    Why Is Weight Loss Not Helping My Gynecomastia? 

    Weight is not the only factor that influences male breast development. While it can contribute, losing weight may not fully resolve gynecomastia. Chest size may decrease, but still remain large in proportion to the rest of the body. Weight loss is a great first-line treatment for gynecomastia, but additional treatment may be necessary to see gynecomastia fully go away.

    Will Building Muscle Help My Gynecomastia? 

    It would not hurt. Building muscle is generally healthy and encourages a healthy lifestyle. But, building muscle alone is unlikely to fully address gynecomastia symptoms.

    Is Deoxycholic Acid FDA-Approved? 

    Deoxycholic acid is FDA-approved for the treatment of excess fat under the chin. It is not approved to treat gynecomastia. The medication itself is FDA-approved and injecting deoxycholic acid into the chest to treat gynecomastia is considered an off-label use. Off-label uses of medications are very common and considered safe when overseen by a qualified medical professional.

    How Much Is Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment In Seattle?

    Non-surgical gynecomastia injections in Seattle start at $1800 for three treatment sessions. Some patients may require additional sessions. Patients will also receive a personalized price quote during their consultation.

    Seattle Plastic Surgery accepts financing from Care Credit, Alphaeon, and United Medical Credit. They also take all major credit cards.


    Top Gynecomastia Treatment In Seattle & Tacoma

    Seattle Plastic Surgery is located on First Hill in Seattle, WA. Offering virtual and in-person consultations, they aim to help you seek aesthetic care in a way that works for you. With experienced providers and extended hours, Seattle Plastic Surgery welcomes patients looking for a non-surgical solution for their gynecomastia treatment in Seattle.

    To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

    Still Have Questions?

    Give us a call at 206-324-1120. Chat by clicking the icon in the lower left hand corner of your screen, or Contact Us by filling out the form below.