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Rhinoplasty Case 17

This 27-year-old patient was dissatisfied with the look of her nose. She did not like the slight up, asymmetry, and size. She wanted an all around straighter and smaller nose. Dr. Santos determined a rhinoplasty in Seattle could meet her goals. The patient underwent a nose job and is only one week out but absolutely loves her new nose.

An After photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
A After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
A Before Photo Of A Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos In Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of a Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma
An After Photo of Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery by Dr. David Santos in Seattle and Tacoma