Other Procedures Sometimes Part Of Tummy Tuck Revision Surgery
A tummy tuck revision is not a straightforward procedure and may look different for every patient. For some, it may involve redoing the entire abdominoplasty. However, for others, it may involve only a tiny incision for an optimal aesthetic result. Therefore, several possible surgical procedures could be part of your abdominoplasty revision surgery.
Not all surgeons perform liposuction with a tummy tuck, or simply not enough fat was removed. In many of these cases, liposuction will resolve the problem. Liposuction can also help address uneven results. It may also supplement other procedures part of your tummy tuck revision surgery.
Scar Revision
Sometimes it is not the overall results of the abdominoplasty that is not ideal, but the incision. Inexperienced surgeons may place the incision too high or an incision may heal poorly for several reasons. Certain people are more predisposed to poor healing such as smokers. Thus, these patients are often told not to undergo tummy tucks for this reason.
If a tummy tuck scar revision is necessary, Dr. Jonov may remove the original scar. This involves moving it further down the abdomen so that it is below the panty line. Other times, they may address a poorly healed scar by removing scar tissue and restitching the incision. They use specialized techniques to promote less external scarring.
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck—or a tummy tuck with a smaller incision—can sometimes resolve issues after a traditional tummy tuck. For example, if a small amount of skin was left behind, a mini tummy tuck can remove it without adding too much scarring or having to redo the entire procedure.
Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck
Conversely, there are times when a plastic surgeon may perform the wrong procedure. If a patient needs a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck and undergoes a traditional tummy tuck, the results will not be ideal. This is because not enough excess skin is removed. If the patient is not adequately prepped, it can lead to the patient ultimately being unhappy with the result. In these cases, Dr. Jonov may recommend performing a more extensive tummy tuck such as fleur-de-lis or extended tummy tuck.
Belly Button Reshaping
Creating a natural-looking belly button and positioning it correctly on the abdomen takes practice and skill. Like with the main incision, a belly button may also not heal adequately. Regardless, occasionally, the belly button needs reshaped, resized, or repositioned. This is sometimes part of a tummy tuck revision, or the entire procedure.