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Non-SurgicalSkin Care and Products

What Should You Not Do Before RF Microneedling?

By June 21, 2022 No Comments

Before surgical procedures, your surgeon will instruct you to make some changes to your daily routine. For example, if undergoing general anesthesia, you will not be able to eat for a number of hours before surgery. However, sometimes, before non-surgical procedures, you may need to alter your routine. Let’s look at, “What should you not do before RF microneedling?”


RF microneedling does cause controlled damage to the skin. While not visible once the redness subsides, it is important that you follow pre-procedure instructions to minimize skin irritation. First off, you should stop using any retinoids you use and skip exfoliating for at least a few days prior to treatment.


Similarly, you should not have had an abrasive treatment such as a chemical peel, waxing (in the treatment area), or similar treatment for at least two to four weeks before treatment. If you have particularly sensitive skin, you may need to put longer between treatments.


Other than your skincare routine, you should avoid sun exposure and not wear makeup to your appointment (eye makeup may be okay). You can discuss these specifics based on your individual treatment with your master esthetician. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.